Young Satan in Love – S02E02

Category: music 135

Fredericton performance art outfit, Young Satan in Love, continues its second season with the release of Escape to Earth. Following last year’s release, Stink Bomb Prom, the group have decided to adopt an episodic format, mixing elements of radio drama with the group’s well-established eclectic musical delivery.

The story continues to unfold following a defamatory reaction from one disgruntled Grid City reader who claims Young Satan in Love is nothing more than a “hersey machine” and called for a need to “silence their fell position before our lovely town makes a basal transition to that Pub Down Under we have worked so hard to avoid on the path of righteousness.”

The story continues…

Also see:

ysillogoPrelude to Escape to Earth – a YSIL primer

ysillogoYoung Satan in Love – S02E01


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