Young Satan in Love – S02E01

Category: music 299

Fredericton performance art outfit, Young Satan in Love, enter into its second season with the release of Escape to Earth. Following last year’s release, Stink Bomb Prom, the group have decided to adopt an episodic format, mixing elements of radio drama with the group’s well-established eclectic musical delivery.

The setting is Paradise High in Eternity on the night of Prom. While the graduating class assembles to celebrate and learn of its fate, Young Satan and his dateless band of cherubs stand apart, surveying the scene of what will forevermore be remembered as the Big Bang…

For those not yet versed in the project’s narrative, those in need of a refresher, or those who have caught a live show and had absolutely no clue what you just witnessed, YSIL released the following update – Prelude to Escape to Earth. It may answer some questions, it may create more. Such is the nature of YSIL.

New episodes included in the first half of season two will be released every two weeks. Stay tuned.

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