On Tour: Wangled Teb

Category: music 339

Fredericton electronic musician/composer Indigo Poirier partners with Property// for Quebec/Ontario shows. 

Matt Carter
Wangled Teb in performance. Photo by Luke Perrin.

Indigo Poirier has been making music under the name Wangled Teb since 2015. With three EPs to their credit as well as numerous performances in bars and coffee shops throughout the city, Poirier is now getting ready to hit the road playing their first-ever out of province dates.

Going on tour has been a dream of mine for a long time and I’m at a point in my career where it actually makes sense to do it,” they said. “I’m hoping I can expand my audience a bit outside of New Brunswick and learn more about what it actually takes to be a full-time musician, and network with other artists and managers of venues. I’m also excited to try different restaurants!”

For this tour, Poirier will partner with the one-time Fredericton ensemble Property//, the trio of Charles Harding, Luke Wilson and Emily Kennedy now based in Montreal.

“I really love Charles’ work and I feel like, even though we both have a pretty different approach to how we write and perform our music, we both have a similar level of passion and appreciation for the possibilities electronic music offers,” said Poirier. “I think it’s gonna be really, really cool to have the two of us on tour together so that audiences are going to get two wildly different experiences that still fall under the broad umbrella of electronic music.

“And Charles and Luke and Emily are all super cool, so I feel comfortable knowing I’m gonna be spending a week with them.”

Over the past couple of years there has been a noticeable increase in the number of electronic musicians writing and performing in Fredericton. As Wangled Teb, Poirier has been one of the most consistent performers and enthusiastic supporters of this developing scene.

“There’s super fun stuff going on here,” said Poirier. “It seems like more and more people are getting into electronic music, which is sick. The music scene here is very, like, rock and blues-focused, which isn’t totally a bad thing! But just for me, personally, the kind of music that excites me the most is stuff that sounds totally new and boundary-pushing.

There are a lot of really talented artists here,” said Poirier. “I feel like Denmother, Counting on Downstairs, Gold Punks, Jaguar Knight, The Trick, and Trophy Wife are all doing interesting and varied work. But not all of the artists here are performing live. Ghastly Crucifix does a lot of super-neat and otherworldly ambient works. They’ve got a ton of albums on Bandcamp.”

This past November Wangled Teb was one of several guest at the New Brunswick emerging artist festival and showcase, Fest Forward. In the coming year, there are plans for a new Wangled Teb EP as well as a full-length album.

Related: The latest EP from Wangled Teb is the first in a new series inspired by the four classical elements.

“I’ve been working on a new EP,” said Poirier. “It’s the second in a series of four EPs I’m doing on the classical elements (The first in this series – Water – was released in February 2017). This one is based around Earth, and I was trying to go for more of an organic sound, like a mix of my usual chopped-up drum programming and synth work with more organic textures. So I’ve gotten people to perform on it, Chris Giles (guitar), Emily Kennedy (cello), Ry Hanson (drums), Kelly Waterhouse (sax), Alexandra Peters (bass), and my friend Glenn Bernard (percussion and vocals) all contributed to it. It’s hopefully going to be done in the spring and if I can afford to, I want to do a limited tape release.”

And for the scene in general in 2018, Poirier encourages everyone to be creative without worrying about fitting in to a particular genre. For their ears, that’s where the magic is.

“For 2018 I want Fredericton musicians to create more inaccessible, obscure, weird electronic music that a relatively small number of people are super, super into.”


Tour Dates:

Feb. 2 | Montreal, QC | w/ Property// + Inland Island (solo) | La Cagibi | View Event
Feb. 4 | Ottawa, ON | w/ Property// + Transmit vs. Intangerines + Young Truck | Pressed | View Event
Feb. 5 | Peterborough, ON | w/ Property// + Foonyap + Olias + ELMS | The Garnet | View Event 
Feb. 6 | Toronto, ON | w/ Property + Outer Rooms + Clamps | Smiling Buddha View Event
Feb. 7 | Waterloo, ON | w/ Property// | House Show 
Feb. 8 | London, ON w/ Property// + TBA | East Village Arts Collective 
Feb. 9 | Guelph, ON | w/ Property// | Van Gogh’s Ear | View Event



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