The Tipsy Muse Café is for sale

Category: community 878

Co-owner Rob Pinnock announced he and his partner Krista Touesnard will not be renewing their lease at 86 Regent Street. 

Big news for the city’s music community. Earlier today, Rob Pinnock, co-owner of The Tipsy Muse Café announced he and his partner Krista Touesnard would not be renewing their lease at 86 Regent Street. 

Here is Pinnock’s statement, shared today on Fredericton’s Bounce 105.3 FM. 

“After almost five years in business, Krista and I have decided we are not going to continue on with The Muse. We’re selling the business and hope someone will pick it up and have great success with it. It’s wonderful. It’s a great thing that we started. We’re so proud of it.  Since 2019 when we opened in January, we’ve done over 500 live performances. 

“We’ve had some great memories.  We’ve made a lot of good friends. And we’ve shared a lot of great times with the City of Fredericton. It’s all been good. It’s all been fantastic. It’s all been a wonderful thing. But we didn’t want to lock into another five year lease. It’s as simple as that. Krista and I want to explore other options and do other things. You haven’t heard the last of us, don’t worry. But yeah, we’re stepping away from the café business. 

“We just want to say thank you to Fredericton for supporting it because you guys have been key in its survival. Who will be taking it over or will it even continue on as The Muse, that’s up in the air. It’s a great little spot and we certainly walk away from this with absolutely no regrets whatsoever.”

More to come…

Read our feature announcing the opening of The Muse. 

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