Review: Yellow Phase by Dad Patrol

Category: music 246

Quispamsis trio Dad Patrol follow up a long line of singles with their debut full-length album, ‘Yellow Phase’. 

Matt Carter

There is an undeniable advantage that comes from experience. When we’re talking about bands and music, that experience could take many forms.  It could be the result of years of touring, a familiarity with working in the studio – a situation that often involves welcoming outside feedback and criticism – or it could be as simple as having the luxury of just playing together for an extended period of time. Whatever the case may be, there is no substitute for experience because with experience comes knowledge. Knowledge, when used correctly, can breed understanding and an appreciation for a band’s collective ability. Strengths and weaknesses. All that. 

In many ways, the debut album from the Quispamsis trio Dad Patrol is the sum of experience few bands can claim. Gregor Dobson, Zachary Pelletier and Jonathan Marino are all in their early 20s, they’ve been playing music together since about 2014, and they’ve been friends since before they started elementary school. This rare combination of friendship and musical experience is a big part of what makes Dad Patrol’s self-recorded debut album, Yellow Phase, a cause for celebration.  

Taking a page from the new wave of emo rock bands to emerge in the early 2000’s, Dad Patrol’s debut is a collection of highly personal lyrics paired with complex arrangements. Longing and love are dominant themes here, both tonally and lyrically, with guitarist/vocalist Gregor Dobson singing directly to the listener. His first person delivery creates a sense of intimacy, as if his lyrics were pulled directly from a diary or personal journal. The complement of bassist Zachary Pelletier and drummer Jonathan Marino adds to Yellow Phase’s lyrical impact, creating a heightened sense of excitement and anticipation.

There are few bands in the province playing emo rock music with this level of honesty and technical ability. While a professional recording would have added clarity to some of the more complex arrangements displayed on Yellow Phase, the band’s DIY approach helps to reinforce the personal reverence of their friendship and the music they make. 

Related:  Dad Patrol are quickly becoming one of the region’s most prolific bands with the release of ‘Yellow’, their fourth new release of 2020.

Photo by Brayden LeBlanc

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