Watch the video for Julie Aubé’s holiday single, ‘Ça, c’est Noël’

Category: music 226

Julie Aubé shares a seasonal single, her first new release since her 2017 solo debut, Joie de vivre

Julie Aubé has released a holiday single. Ça, c’est Noël marks the Moncton singer’s first new music since the release of her beautiful debut album Joie de vivre. Enlisting the help of regular collaborators Mike Trask (drums and co-production) and bassist Marc Doucet, with Les Hôtesses d’Hilaire guitarist Mico Roy rounding out the song’s lineup, Aubé has successfully added another gem to the Maritime holiday canon. 

The accompanying video, filmed and edited by Aubé and Trask, reflects Aubé’s distinct love of 60’s fashions and vintage imagery, capturing the look and feel of old Super-8 home movies, complete with occasional awkward close-ups and overarching humour such family movies often embody. 

Aubé’s featured performance at the 2020 Shivering Songs Festival was one of her only solo performances of the year.  


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