Upcoming Jane LeBlanc Legacy Fund Deadlines

Category: arts 178

Deadlines for the Jane LeBlanc Screenwriting Award and the Arnold LeBlanc Songwriter Award are coming up. 

There are two important deadlines coming up for programs offered through the Jane LeBlanc Legacy Fund. The Jane LeBlanc Legacy Fund was created in memory of Jane LeBlanc. The fund is in place to assist New Brunswick resident writers, songwriters, music composers, screenwriters, filmmakers, actors, photographers, visual artists, singers, and musicians.

Jane LeBlanc Screenwriting Award

Amount: $500 (first prize) and 1-Year Writer’s Federation of New Brunswick membership (second prize) | Deadline: February 28, 2022.

The Jane LeBlanc Screenwriting Award is done in partnership with the Writer’s Federation of New Brunswick. The award seeks to spotlight talented New Brunswick Screenwriters and is open to emerging and experienced screenwriters of short film scripts up to 15 minutes in length. 

For the full application guidelines, please refer to this link on the Writers’ Federation website. This award is sponsored by Cat LeBlanc Music, Maureen LeBlanc, and the NB Film Co-Op.

Arnold LeBlanc Songwriter Award 

Amount: $500 | Eligible Music Categories: roots, traditional, folk, and country music | New Deadline: May 20, 2022.

The Arnold LeBlanc Songwriter Award seeks to spotlight talented New Brunswick songwriters at all levels in honour of Miramichi-born Arnold LeBlanc. Arnold was gifted with a golden singing voice. As a young child, he sang in the church choir and continued to sing well into his golden years. Arnold could whistle entire songs with perfect pitch and sang every day of his life.

Please submit a recording (music and vocals in mp3 or aiff format) of your best song with written lyrics along with a short letter explaining who you are and your background in music. Why do you feel this is your best song? Nominations of music artists and their songs by individuals and organizations in the music and writing community are also welcome. This award is sponsored by Cat LeBlanc Music, Maureen LeBlanc, Laurie LeBlanc, Lennie Gallant, and the Miramichi Folksong Festival. Email submissions to catmaryleblanc@gmail.com. More information available HERE

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