The World March of Women

Category: community 74

The World March of Women Fredericton will take place on Saturday, October 17th, 2015.

WMW 2015_LogoThe march will begin at 11 a.m. beginning at 51 Woodstock Road and will lead downtown to the grounds of the Legislature where a rally will take place.Following the rally, there will be a reception and afternoon workshops held at the Wilmot United Church with guest speakers.

The cost of registration for the lunch and workshops in the afternoon will be $15 per person. Guest speakers include Judy Dallaire, Sharlene Paul, and Gul Caliskan.

Judy Dallaire, Francophone Chairperson of Voices of NB Women Consensus Building Forum, is a long-time feminist activist columnist, universal childcare advocate and Dieppe city counselor. She will be speaking to the struggles of NB women for equality. She will also discuss the history of the women’s movement.

Sharlene Paul is from Tobique First Nation and is with the Indigenous Women’s Association of the Maliseet and Mi’qmaq territory and board member of the Native Women’s Association of Canada. Sharlene will speak to Indigenous women’s struggles to defend the land and water in the face of extreme energy projects and violation of peace and friendship treaties.

Gul Caliskan is an assistant professor of Global Sociology at St. Thomas University, is a transnational feminist activist, teacher, and researcher in the area of Contested Citizenship and Global Justice. She will discuss the gendered aspects of global poverty and human rights violations. She will be speaking from a global justice perspective to struggles of refugee and migrant women and on refugee and migrant solidarity action.


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