Saint John rapper Sw3aTy Sam broadens voice on new EP

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With his new three-song EP, I’ve Waited Long Enough, Sw3aTy Sam delivers a refined polish, both lyrically and musically to further reinforce hip hop’s unique presence in the Port City. 

Matt Carter 

When I first started tuning into what Saint John rapper Sw3aTy Sam was singing about, I heard the voice of a young artist processing a lot of common struggles. Identifying fear and anxiety, looking for purpose, and seeking individuality in a world where being different has become so much the norm that it’s no longer a way to stand out in a crowd. I was immediately drawn to his honesty and his willingness to be open about challenges familiar to many. I appreciated how he was being vocal about it. At times, his frustration is palpable. I could feel all the self doubt and worry he was singing about. For a long time I was interpreting this catharsis as being something entirely his own. But on his new EP, I‘ve Waited Long Enough, he has somehow managed to broaden his message and in doing so, now sounds as if he is speaking as a part of a generation and not just as one person trying to figure his own life out. It’s a significant transformation.  Or maybe this was what he was going for all along.

With I’ve Waited Long Enough, Sw3aTy Sam delivers a refined polish, both lyrically and musically. The range of topics, though still personal on the surface, sink a little deeper into our collective worries, or hopes, and our dreams as individuals looking for meaning in our lives and something tangible to call our own. I’ve Waited Long Enough is a solid release that further reinforces the important voice of an emerging artist and hip hop’s unique presence and in the Port City. 

I’ve Waited Long Enough arrives on streaming services August 10.


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