In Rotation: CHSR 97.9FM’s 12 Most Popular Artists for January 2015

Category: music 231
With a solid base of programming dedicated to highlighting local artists and musicians, and a membership of volunteers dedicated to the cause, Fredericton’s campus radio station is an essential part of our community. A quick look at their weekly Top 30 charts says a lot about the important role they play.

Here are the most popular albums to air on the station during January 2015.

before the warhero's last ritesean oneuaxyacacthe olympic symphoniumvogue dotstrophy wifemayorswalrustortuethe stogiesfree to grow











Before The War (Fredericton)

Hero’s Last Rite (Fredericton)

Sean One  (Fredericton)

Uaxyacac (Montreal)

The Olympic Symphonium (Fredericton)

Vogue Dots (Halifax)

Trophy Wife (Fredericton)

Mayors (Fredericton)

Walrus (Halifax)

Tortue (Fredericton)

The Stogies (Halifax)

Free to Grow (Fredericton)

This list was complied by Grid City Magazine, based on the weekly Top 30 charts posted at 
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