Review: Michael Feuerstack – The Forgettable Truth LP

Category: music 254


(Forward Music Group 2015)MF-FT-FrontCover

“All my life I wanted more, now I know I have it all,” sings Michael Feuerstack on his latest album, The Forgettable Truth, a beautiful collection of songs that confirms what so many have known for so long – Feuerstack is one the best songwriters you’ll ever have a chance to hear.

From the first notes of Receiver, the album’s opening track, Feuerstack captures our attention through the simplest of melodies and nuances in all the right places.  His voice is like a warm hug.  Tell Michael what’s wrong – he’ll make it all better.

The album’s clever compositions convey mood, time and emotion with masterful skill.  The supporting musicians on this album, which include Fredericton’s Nick Cobham among several others, seem perfectly synced with Feuerstack’s delivery and message.  An honest alignment of interpretation.

What stands out most to me on The Forgettable Truth is the extreme sincerity Feuerstack is able to convey through his words.  He sings with both the experience of age and the ignorance of youth, as if inspired equally by notes passed in high school hallways and pages from a grandparent’s diary.  When Feuerstack sings, we listen, and we’re better people for it.

Feuerstack does have it all and thankfully, he chose to share it with the rest of us on this release.  My only worry is that not enough people will hear this album.

[bandcamp width=100% height=120 album=2191610730 size=large bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5 tracklist=false artwork=small]

The Forgettable Truth comes out February 17, 2015 on CD/LP via the good people at Forward Music Group


Matt Carter | @m_j_c73


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