On Tour: New Moon Theatre

Category: stage 166

St. Andrews theatre company bring Michael Tremblay’s Albertine in Five Times  to audiences in New Brunswick and Maine.

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St. Andrews New Brunswick’s New Moon Theatre are hitting the road this fall for performances in St. Andrews, Fredericton and Eastport, Maine with their six-woman production, Albertine in Five Times.

“We have loved playing to audiences in St. Andrews for the past few years and look forward to a collaboration with TNB and with our neighbours in Maine,” said the play’s director Suzanne Tisdale. “We have been working hard to build important links with Fredericton and Eastport and this initiative will be a great way to strengthen those bonds.”

Shortlisted for the Governor General’s Award for French Language Drama in 1984, Albertine in Five Times remains a relevant work of theatre highlighting both themes of aging and sexual harassment.

“The play is one that will resonate with audiences everywhere and we know that audience members in all three communities will relate to the issues raised,” said Tisdale.

Inspired by Tremblay’s poetic language and the play’s enduring themes, Tisdale and co-director Peggy Fothergill have proudly chosen this as the company’s first touring production.

“The social history of Quebec women from the 1940s to the 1980s may seem like a long time ago, but the topics are current,” said co-director Peggy Fothergill. “The impact of oppression and poverty on women’s lives is still being felt in our own country now and around the world. It is in our daily headlines, as is the theme of aging. That is the brilliance of Tremblay. His themes are enduring.”

About the Play

In Albertine in Five Times, a woman at 70 faces her past. Master Canadian playwright, Michel Tremblay, hits on a painful reality that an older woman has more years behind than in front of her. Memory has a way of disguising the truth, but Albertine comes to terms with the drama of her history through her younger selves. We meet not one Albertine, but five Albertines, each one representing a successive decade along the path that is her life. The play opens with Albertine at 70 entering a home for the elderly. Albertine at 30, 40, 50, and 60 appear, each with a story to tell.

Upcoming Performances:

Oct. 25 | W. C. O’Neill Theatre | St. Andrews, NB | View Event
Oct. 26 | W. C. O’Neill Theatre | St. Andrews, NB | View Event
Oct. 27 | W. C. O’Neill Theatre | St. Andrews, NB | View Event
Nov. 3  | Open Space Theatre | Fredericton, NB | Tickets
Nov. 8  | Eastport Arts Centre | Eastport, Maine | View Event
Nov. 9  | Eastport Arts Centre | Eastport, Maine | View Event

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