New Music – New Outlook

Category: music 131

This Ship (Halifax) play Fredericton April 24.

11146275_815706911817657_7564947852908778201_nIt’s not often you hear about a band dropping most of their familiar material before they head out on the road. It’s a bold move on so many levels. Maybe even a bit risky. But for the Halifax quartet, This Ship, it simply felt like the right thing to do.

“We are trying to reinvent ourselves,” said founding member Bethany Fulde. “We want to hone in on our sounds and our songwriting.  To create music that moves people, that is beautiful, and that we can be sincerely proud of, sometimes you’ve got to shake off the old stuff in order to move forward.”

Since forming in 2011, This Ship has charted some rough seas. The band has dealt with a plague of setbacks in the past, losing members to day jobs and other commitments. But now they are definitely back on track with renewed dedication and focus – full speed ahead.

“With all the new tunes it almost feels like a new band,” said Fulde, “like we’ve hit the restart button, so we’re trying our damnedest to get some buzz going. I think our live show is something to talk about.”

Having just toured to Toronto and back a few weeks ago, This Ship will once again be returning to the big city for a showcase performance during Canadian Music Week, with dates in Moncton, Fredericton, Quebec City, Montreal and Ottawa along the way.

“We’ve been ramping back up since the fall,” said Fulde. “We were super-fortunate to be able to pack the house in both Toronto and Montreal thanks to the help of the promoters we worked with and the bands we played with. Hopefully we won over some new fans, people that will come see us again when we’re back there in May.”

Listen to the latest from This Ship:

[bandcamp width=100% height=120 album=400774416 size=large bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5 tracklist=false artwork=small]

This Ship+Floodland+Dylan Ryan Hindsight | The Capital Complex | April 24, 2015 | Doors at 10:00pm

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