National Community Radio Conference Concert Schedule

Category: music 269

The Capital Complex has announced several New Brunswick acts as part of this year’s NCRC conference, organized by CHSR FM.

Janowskii are one of several NB acts to perform at The Capital Complex during this year’s National Campus Radio Conference.

Fredericton’s community/campus radio station CHSR FM are hosting this year’s National Community Radio Conference, June 6-10 in the capital city. The annual event, now in its 37th year, attracts radio hosts, programmers, volunteers, board members, artists and staff from across the country for a week of meetings and development opportunities. 

This year’s conference, open to all National Campus and Community Radio Association members, will take place on the UNB campus and feature presentations and discussions based around the theme ‘neighbourhood’.

As part of this year’s event, bands from across the province will make their way to the city for three nights of live entertainment at The Capital Complex. Performances are open to the public and will run June 7-9 with music starting at 10 p.m. 

Passes for all three nights go on sale May 9.

Here’s a quick rundown of the week’s performers:

June 7

Penny Blacks | The Hypochondriacs | Tampa | Joey Robin Hache | View Event

June 8

Motherhood | Janowskii | David R. Elliott | Simon Daniel | View Event

June 9

Spoutnique | Kill Chicago | LYLM | Radium Doxy | View Event


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