Monday Night Film Series: Youth

Category: movies 407

youthPaolo Sorrentino
Italy, France, Switzerland, UK, 2015
English, Spanish, Swiss German with English subtitles
118 minutes
Principal Cast: Michael Caine, Harvey Keitel, Jane Fonda, Rachel Weisz, Paul Dano

Michael Caine and Harvey Keitel star in this beautiful ode to music and cinema. They play friends of 60 years standing, who are enjoying a stay at a hotel in the foothills of the Alps. Retired composer Fred Ballinger (Caine) and film director Mick Boyle (Harvey Keitel) discuss old flames, their children, and the activities of the assortment of guests holidaying in Switzerland.

While Mick scrambles to complete the screenplay for what he imagines will be his last important film to star his old diva friend played by Jane Fonda, Fred has no intention of resuming his musical career despite a plea for a command performance in London. Mick’s son is married to Fred’s daughter and assistant Leda (Rachel Weisz) and an LA movie actor Boyle (Paul Dano), another sufferer from that popular condition: self-congratulatory cynicism, who is preparing for a certain historical role. Sorrentino’s previous film The Great Beauty won the Oscar for Best foreign language film in 2014.

Youth | Monday Night Film Series | Tilley Hall, Room 102, UNB Campus | February 29, 2016 – 7:30pm | See full schedule

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