Moncton Musicians Rally in Support of Scene Icon

Category: music 739

Metakakaluk: A Marc Doucet Rock and Roll Benefit Show will take place December 29 at The Caveau.

Matt Carter
Show Poster. Artwork by Daniel Bourque.

Marc Doucet has been an integral part of the Moncton music scene for the past 30 years. As a prolific drummer, an easy-going musician and a friend to many, Doucet’s influence on the countless music lovers who picked up instruments and started bands over the last three decades is immeasurable.

“Marc has been in so many bands throughout the last 30 years. He’s an integral icon to this scene,” said Mike Melanson, a longtime friend and current bandmate of Doucet’s. “Punk bands, metal bands, hardcore bands, rock bands, artsy jazz bands…it’s uncanny how he’s been all over the place.

“Marc was also one of the first guys to go to Montreal in the early 80s and did stuff over there and brought some of that influence back to Moncton,” he said.  “We have Genetic Control singles in Moncton because he brought them.”

This past September, Doucet was involved in a near-fatal motorcycle accident. He suffered serious injuries and his been unable to work over the past four months.

Seeing a friend in need, several Moncton musicians quickly began planning a fundraising event.

“Upon hearing the news of his horrific accident, organizing a benefit show was one of the first things that I thought of,” said bandmate Ray Auffrey. “Others had the same idea so a few us got together to put this on.”

As word of the show began to circulate, the community quickly stepped up to show their support.

“We were able to secure a venue, a soundman, six bands, and an artist to draw the poster by hand in an early 1980’s punk flyer style, all for free,” said Auffrey. “A dear old friend even set up a GoFundMe Page. The amount of goodwill is fantastic.”

The December 29 event will feature performances by several Moncton acts from the city’s rock and roll past and present, some reuniting specifically for the cause. The evening’s lineup will include performances from Idée du Nord, Purple Knight, Bad Luck #13, Monkey Balls, Chiller and The Monoxides.

“We initially thought that getting some older bands together would draw some people who rarely go out to live shows, but we also wanted some current active acts as well,” said Auffrey. “Every band playing has at least one member who has been a bandmate of Marc’s at one time or another so it really is like one big crazy family.”

A past member of several bands including Idée du Nord, Thee Suddens, HC5, Slow Lover, The Mean, Burnt Offerings, Front Porch, Killing Time, Kick Like 50 and The Zodiac to name a few, Doucet is a current member of both The Robins and Nerve Button.

“But one of the best things about Marc is that he’s such a nice guy and so down to earth,” said Melanson. “He would never snub his nose his to anyone and will always take time to chat you up, regardless of age.

“He gets that it’s important to talk to the new younger punks.”

Metakakaluk: A Marc Doucet Rock and Roll Benefit Show | December 29 | The Caveau | Moncton | View Event 


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