Levi Rowan Shares New Single

Category: music 547

‘Let It Go’ is the new single from Pride of Belleisle, the one and only Levi Rowan.

On his latest single, ‘Let It Go’, Rowan takes a look back at his younger years and some of the moments that helped confirm his identity as an artist and a non-conformist. 

“This song is basically an origin story. With each verse I look at scenarios in which I was deemed the bad kid in my youth by authorities in my life that wanted me to be a certain way that I just wasn’t,” said Rowan. “I think we all carry around baggage from our pasts or how we think people view us and I wanted to make a song to tell people to stop dwelling on it. Leave all that shit in the past and go get what you need.”

‘Let It Go’ follows the singles ‘Honest’ and ‘Night Terrors’ and finds Rowan exploring his vocal range with a bit more authority than he’s previously shared. 

“I was playing it pretty safe vocally because it’s what the songs needed. But this time I consciously wanted to surprise people with higher notes and a more alternative/pop sound,” he said. 

Since the release of his debut EP ‘Nude Beach’ in 2017, Rowan has made music his major focus, touring, performing and recording with a growing list of artists; and his music videos have received tens of thousands of views helping bring his music to an ever-widening audience base. 

Whether or not pop music is your thing, Levi Rowan is definitely an artist worth keeping an eye on. He’s always got something interesting in the works. 


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