Katrina Slade is this Week’s FAA Artist in Residence

Category: arts 189

Multidisciplinary visual artist Katrina Slade will draw influence from the city’s forests and green spaces for her residency this week.

Photo: Sarah Sarty

Katrina Slade begins her virtual residency with the Fredericton Arts Alliance by “forest bathing,” a form of nature therapy involving spending time in the forest and practicing mindfulness. 

She will use this time as inspiration for her ongoing project entitled Eco Elixir.

“I will be using paint, collage, and drawing to express my perception of the forest atmosphere. Eco Elixir is inspired by my urgency to commune with nature after the COVID-19 lockdown,” said Slade. “COVID-19 has made it crystal clear how incredibly healthy it is for our bodies and minds to spend time in nature. Nature is our lifeline while in isolation.”

From Sept. 13 to 19, she will explain the concept of forest bathing, and tell viewers how they can try it. She will also create time-lapse videos of her project as she works on it, and do a Q&A period with viewers about her art and abstract art in general.

Katrina Slade is a third-generation artist whose abstract painting conveys intangible and ethereal experience. Her aesthetic is influenced by her international lifestyle, as she has spent most of the past decade abroad.

The summer residency program will end next week with Lena Beckley. All artists were selected by an independent jury, to ensure a high caliber of art is produced. The FAA pays artists an honorarium, made possible with support from the City of Fredericton.

Follow Slades’s Residency:

Instagram: katrina.slade.art
Web: katrinaslade.com
Fredericton Arts Alliance on Facebook 

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