It’s the last day to apply for a Contact East 2022 showcase

Category: community 194

Need a little help with your submission? Check out these top tips for a successful Contact East application. 

The deadline to apply to showcase at Contact East is today. To help any last minute submitters, the team at Contact East have put together a few tips to help make the most of your application. 

Good video = good chances

Something that almost all jurors emphasize is video quality—if your video is less than stellar, then so are your chances of being accepted. LIVE is best. Making sure your live performance video is high quality can make all the difference in your application.

Don’t submit an incomplete application

This seems like it’d be a given, but you wouldn’t believe how many incomplete applications we get each year. If you don’t fully understand the application or are unsure of something, call or email the APA office—we are here to help!

We can (and will) lurk you

Something that many applicants don’t consider when completing their submission is their online presence. Jurors are definitely going to lurk your social media and website when making their decisions. So make sure your online platforms are up-to-date.

Ready to submit? Apply online HERE.


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