Home Scene – It all Started in High School

Category: music 304

In our series Home Scene, Grid City asks music fans to share what they love most about the city’s music culture. This time we check in with music educator, sideshow performer, Mr. Kill Chicago himself, Greg Webber.

10687074_10154627020430332_5943320171739254923_nWhat’s your favourite city music venue?

I played a show at the liquor store back before Harvest, and…much to my surprise, Jake was still the sound man. Zach [Atkinson] is in my band, so The Capital is my hang and bands couldn’t come to town without what they do. I actually like the spots that aren’t really supposed to have shows, like the Elks Club, Wilmot Church, the sidewalk, whatever.

Name the one Fredericton band more people should know about but don’t.

More people should listen to Young Satan in Love, I realize I’m in the band, but only as dancing idiot, so I don’t think it’s lame to suggest that band. I love playing shows and seeing the crowd be split down the middle; through the eyes of a horse of course.

Name your favourite recent release by a Fredericton artist.

I love the Motherhood record, I don’t think it’s recent, but it’s all gravy. The Hard Charger record is also gravy, but again, not recent. Josh Bravener‘s record is like a nice bowl of stew after your baseball game got rained out. Also, on the topic of stew, Alan Jeffries Coffee til’ Midnight is friggin’ great, and even though he’s one of my close friends, I still want to throw my guitar off the walking bridge every time I hear him play. I give up.

If a live music experience could be summed up as a combination of time, place and artist, tell us about one show you’ve seen this year that ranks high on your list.

You’re going to think I’m an idiot, but I was asked to be a special guest artist at the FHS Battle of the Bands last week, and it was the best. I was reminded of how fun that time was in my life, and I was really impressed with the support all the bands gave each other. It made me feel justified that I’ve always felt that we all take ourselves too seriously, myself included, and that the point of all of this should be to have fun with friends. Also, Rick Hull is still working his butt off to help young people, as he did for my whole crew and he’s a big reason I’m a music teacher.

Live music culture is an important part of Fredericton’s identity. If you could improve one aspect of the city’s music scene, what would it be?

I think you’re doing it right now.

Thanks Greg.

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