Home Scene: “Go Local Scene Go!”

Category: music 213

In our series Home Scene, Grid City asks music fans to share what they love most about the city’s music culture. This time we check in with musician, engineer, producer and jack-of-all-trades, Hayden Wheeler.

10937301_10203792047987967_480667920_nWhat have you been listening too lately?

All the classic emo revival albums never leave my sight for more than a week. American Football, Algernon, Snowing, ECT. Bitches Brew is getting some love, as well as OK Computer and various electronic music. REALLY loving Perfect Pussy right now, and I’ve been listening to Punch a lot recently too. Lastly, Tera Melos and Hella are always A+.

Most anticipated local release of 2015?

I try not go get excited for a single release because I feel like it’s easy to forget that if you type “Fredericton” in bandcamp every once and a while you can listen to almost every album that gets released here. Everything that Marc Bragdon even looks at is too fun. Really digging Pastel Skeleton lately and I’m not sure if something is happening there but I hope so because they’ve been killing it. I want some more Tortue, and anything Shifty Bits is super great. Also really want to hear some Sentimentals stuff. Cedric is the nicest ever and everyone should listen to everything he has put out. Sorry that was an awful answer wasn’t it? I hardly leave my apartment. I like everyone!  Go local scene go!

Name the one Fredericton band you believe more people should know about.

Young Satan In Love!!!! SO TIGHT. THE TIGHTEST. Seriously their live show is frightening. GREAT chemistry in that band. Super glue. If you count Oromocto and have never seen Road Head, you need to get on that. It’s hilarious and super fun, but they’re also some serious musicians. Chops on that kit. It’s fantastic. Gotta see them live. Everyone book Road Head.

Live music culture is an important part of Fredericton’s identity. If you could improve one aspect of the city’s music scene, what would it be?

We don’t really have good venues. There are people who are breathing life into this scene on their own like Heather @ ReNue (go shop there) and some people booking for the Gallery Connexion. I just think a band should be able to book a venue for themselves. A band should be able to have an all ages show and not worry. No group of teens in high school are going to cough up 200 bux to have a show where they make 100 bucks back. We need to let WHOEVER wants to play a gig play.  Shouts-out to the people making it better though. You rock. One day we will hear vocals at every all ages show. One day.

Looking back at the past year, what would you consider to be an important highlight for the city arts scene?

Shift work was awesome!!! I really hope to see the people behind that do a whole lot more fun stuff like that.

Hayden Wheeler is a driving force in the city’s music scene. He has contributed to several bands, live performances and recording projects.  We’re lucky to have him. Learn more about what he does, here.
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