Home Scene – It’s All About The Music

Category: music 204

In our series Home Scene, Grid City asks music fans to share what they love most about the city’s music culture. This time we check in with Siegebreaker’s guitarist Dale Lyons.

D_1What have you been listening too lately?

There have been a tremendous amount of amazing Metal releases that have come out recently. As of late, I’ve been spinning the debut from Germany’s Alkaloid – to call this album “crazy” would be the understatement of the year. Aborted’s latest album was my favourite CD from last year. The newest Exodus, Whitechapel and Machine Head albums are incredible. And the shocker of the decade has got to be the latest Slipknot CD. I have never been a fan of them in the least, but their latest album I listen to it at least once a day. My bassist turned me onto it, and it is amazing. Metal is alive and very well these days!

Most anticipated local release of 2015?

Honestly? My band Siegebreaker‘s releases. We now have all the recording equipment to do everything ourselves, so we are going to release an EP in the near future, then a full-length by the summer or fall is the eventual plan. We continually write new music that we want to share with the world, especially after the overwhelmingly positive response we’ve had to our single Cold Black Eye.

Name the one Fredericton band you believe more people should know about.

I think Blueprints are onto something really great. Not only are they friends, but they write some killer tunes.

Live music culture is an important part of Fredericton’s identity. If you could improve one aspect of the city’s music scene, what would it be?

That is a very difficult question to answer in a short amount of time. There are – and have been – many issues with the local and East Coast scene. Having been involved in it since 1991, I have watched things closely, both as a musician and as a fan. One of the big things is the vicious cycle of how the “scene” continually states no one comes to local shows to “support the scene.” Ok, we can agree on that one for the most part. But, if quality acts that people really want to see are not brought into town, fans should never feel obligated to go to a show.

There is an expectation from the local community that states: “If we book a show, you must attend the show, no matter what. If you don’t, you are not supporting the scene”. I take issue with that theory. When I go to a show as a fan, it is because there is a killer band that I specifically came down to see. I demand a lot from my own band and the bands I go to see live, and the bands I choose to spend my money on are the ones who are original, tight, focused and have their act together. I have never attended a show just to “go to a show”. It’s all about the music to me, not the socializing. If you write music that blows my mind, I will be at every show I can. If not, I choose not to attend.

Looking back at the past year, what would you consider to be an important highlight for the city music/arts scene?  

The continued support of The Capital for Metal and all things heavy. Fredericton has gone through a couple dozen or more venues over the years, and eventually almost all of them die off, for one reason or another. But The Capital treats the bands very well, the crowds love the venue and the location, and bands always look forward to playing there, even if the stage is a bit cramped. I’m glad I play in a three piece band! There have never been as many Metal bands in the area as there is today, which is amazing when you look at it. Because I know very well that 15 years ago, that was certainly not the case!

Dale Lyons has played in numerous bands spanning over two decades of Fredericton metal as guitarist for Fear Absolute, Awakened, SCRANG and others.  He is currently writing and performing with his latest project, Seigebreaker.

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