One Part Eggnog – Five Parts GTB

Category: music 329

Local Favourites Continue Holiday Tradition


By Kate Butler

Do you have specific holiday traditions you follow each year? Here in Fredericton and specifically within the local music scene, we have a few traditions that continue to grow each year. One specific tradition that first began over 10 years ago features our hometown pals, Grand Theft Bus.

During a time of intense touring ,Grand Theft Bus were set to return home for one last show at The Capital the weekend before Christmas, playing for their local fans and friends who had returned home for the holiday season. From that first show began a tradition that many look forward to each year, including the band.

“I think by default that weekend is one that people celebrate,” said bassist Graeme Walker.  “Many are home for the holidays, seeing old friends, etc. It started at a time when the band was touring basically non-stop, so it just made sense to come home and play shows in our own back yard. They’re always really exciting, seeing friends we haven’t seen in a long time.  We have the same experience as everyone else at these shows, only better because we get to play music.”

This tradition has continued and now over 10 years later, Grand Theft Bus are set to rock The Capital once more and keep their pre-holiday show tradition alive. Although the band’s sound may have evolved over the years, and with the welcomed addition of Brad Perry on keys, they are still the same guys who love playing music together.

“In some ways nothing has changed,” said Walker.  “We’re still a band that just enjoys just stepping up and playing our songs.  Really, it’s just five lunatics making noise together.  Luckily for us, songs appear out of the time we spend making fools of ourselves.”

If you follow Grand Theft Bus on social media you may have heard rumblings about the band being back in the studio. It has only been two years since their last release, Say It With Me, which featured 14 songs, including such tracks as Vultures and Something Medicinal. I know all of us here at Grid City, among many others, are very anxious for new tunes.

“I think it’s safe to say you can expect something in 2015. Not sure what it will be just yet but we’re having a blast working on it”, said Walker.

Not only is this annual show a tradition for the band, it also remains a constant facet year after year at The Capital Complex, allowing fans and friends alike to come together and have a homecoming of their own.

“We are all getting older, friends and fans have families or careers that take them in different directions,” said Zachary Atkinson, Manager of the Capital Complex.  “I think GTB has had such an interesting career and with that a lot of dedicated fans who still follow them now. The band isn’t making it to Toronto and beyond as often, so why not give their friends and fans an opportunity while home for the holidays to relive some fun moments and music.”

If you want to witness how one local band has fostered a large and supportive community over the years you should come to The Capital on Saturday and be a part of a tradition that has seen Grand Theft Bus perform on the same pre-holiday weekend for the past 11 years. You will not be disappointed. If you are lucky, you may even get to hear a new tune or two.

We all have a favourite Grand Theft Bus memory and Zach Atkinson was kind enough to share his with us. “I used to play in the band Share. We’d just done our first tour as a band to Newfoundland. It’s was an interesting tour for many reasons, but we got to finish it off by opening for GTB at The Capital. I think it gave us all that warm fuzzy feeling to play that show. The vibe in the room was awesome. Folks were just getting home for the holidays, some had just landed in Fredericton and made their way straight to the venue. It was simply the best.”

What is your favourite GTB memory? Share it with us!

Tickets for Grand Theft Bus at The Capital on Saturday December 20th can be purchased in person at Isaacs Way 649 Queen St, through the E-Ticket Now kiosk or online here
Grand Theft Bus are Graeme Walker, Tim Walker, Dennis Goodwin, Brad Perry and Bob Deveau
GTB on Facebook

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