Gallery 78 Remembers Bruno Bobak

Category: arts 149

New exhibit begins November 21

2013-15cBruno Bobak was an iconic figure on the Canadian art scene.  His works in oil, watercolour and print media are readily recognisable and widely collected.  Gallery 78 is pleased to present work from the estate of this esteemed artist.  From November 21 to December 21, 2014, view works on paper, board and canvas featuring Bobak’s figures, landscapes and still life compositions.  Visit Gallery 78’s web site: www.gallery78.comfor more details.

Last chance to see: Lee Horus Clark’s Maritime Shino; and the exhibition My Favourite Things featuring Jessie Babin, Ann Balch, Joanne Hunt, Susan Paterson, and Cathy Ross.  These two exhibitions end November 16.

Gallery 78 is open weekdays: Tuesday to Friday 10am-5pm and on the weekends: Saturdays 10am-3pm, Sundays 1-4pm.

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