Fredericton Society of Artists combine music and paintings for unique performance

Category: music 232

The upcoming Music & Arts Salon will feature 15 original compositions by pianist Ludmila Knezkova-Hussey, inspired by the work of the society’s membership. 

Melana Short

World-renowned concert pianist and composer Ludmila Knezkova-Hussey will be at the centre of an upcoming event hosted by the Fredericton Society of Artists. Drawing inspiration from a number of paintings created by the group’s membership, Knezkova-Hussey will perform 15 original compositions at the UNB Arts Centre on April 16, beginning at 2 p.m.

“Ludmila is my friend and music teacher,” said Elena Cobb, past president of the Fredericton Society of Artists. “She is Czech, and living in Rothesay. Ludmila graduated from Moscow conservatory and has toured the world with concerts. She writes music and has organized international piano competitions. She also wrote the first Acadian opera and teaches music at UNB SJ.”

After attending a meeting of the FSA in November 2019, Knezkova-Hussey offered to write a series of compositions based on a few of the member’s paintings. Originally planned for a performance in April 2020, the pandemic saw the project put on hiatus. Three years after its original date, the FSA’s Music & Arts Salon will now feature Knezkova-Hussey performing 15 original compositions and will include a short supporting narration for each. 

Tickets are $35 payable by e-transfer.Tickets will also be available at the door.

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