Dear PM – A Conversation with Chris Lloyd

Category: community 126

GCM - Dear PMThis Thursday, Connexion ARC hosts a conversation with Montreal-based performance artist Chris Lloyd discussing his project, Dear PM.

“This project has a lot to do with the politics and freedom of making art in a culture that is increasingly unafraid of a flaunted abandonment of both personal freedoms and public space,” he said.

Lloyd has been writing a personal correspondence to Canada’s Prime Minister every day since January 1, 2001. Expanding upon near-daily emails, since 2009 he also writes to Prime Minister Stephen Harper publicly, via Twitter, sharing the intimate details of his daily life and responding to any political goings on that have come to his attention.

“My interest in divulging personal activities and thoughts to you stems from a concern with the tightening control on human activity through increased surveillance and the proliferation of reality-type entertainment.”

With an upcoming federal election slated for October 2015, Lloyd’s project has taken an exciting and unconventional turn as he will seek public office, challenging Justin Trudeau in his home riding of Papineau.

Originally from Saint John, Chris Lloyd is the co-founder of Third Space artist-run centre.

Dear PM – A Conversation with Chris Lloyd| Connexion ARC | 732 Charlotte Street | March 5, 2015 | 7:00PM | Admission is Free
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