Coming Up at Gallery 78

Category: arts 317

Gallery 78 invites art lovers to attend the opening of two new exhibits featuring work by Réjean Roy and Glenn Hall.

Mactaquac Head Pond | Glenn Hall | oil on board

Enjoy new perspectives on New Brunswick landscapes with the opening of the exhibits Seasons at Home by Réjean Roy, and Glenn Hall: Oil Sketches. The works included in both exhibitions were created over the past year with both artists exploring scenes close to home. 

Réjean lives in Northern New Brunswick where he paints and explores his childhood woodlands. As an artist, Réjean is primarily self taught and he credits mentors from his formative years, including Roger Langevin and Jacques Arseneault. Learn more about Réjean and his work

Glenn Hall was born in Saint John, NB. His work has been exhibited widely in public and private galleries throughout the Maritimes. Apart from his commitment to working as a visual artist, Glenn has recently retired as a visual art and performing arts educator. Learn more about Glenn Hall

Seasons at Home by Réjean Roy, and Glenn Hall: Oil Sketches will be available to view online starting Tuesday, May 11, at and on display until June 5, 2021. Free tickets are available on Eventbrite for the opening on Friday, May 14, from 4-7 p.m.


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