Cinema Politica Fredericton Screens: “The Sugarcane”

Category: movies 63

el canaveral 1Fearing for his life, Joaquín, a member of the HIV+ gay community and a Salvadorian political activist, sets in motion a desperate attempt to seek asylum in Canada. With a deportation order hanging over him, he is given a reprieve by a Federal Judge who orders a judicial review of his case. Six months later, Joaquín receives a letter in the mail summoning him to a meeting with an immigration officer at the Border Agency on Airport Road. He must come in person. Will he get a positive answer?

This film is in English & Spanish with English subtitles. An optional discussion will follow the film with members from co-hosting organization AIDS NB in attendance.
Films are free to the public. Donations are welcome to help with network membership fees. (Washrooms are not accessible, sorry!).

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Cinema Politica Fredericton Screens: The Sugarcane | January 29, 2016 | 180 St. John Street | 7 p.m. | no charge

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