Cinema Politica Fredericton Screens: “Project Power”

Category: movies 138

Screen shot 2015-11-29 at 10.25.42 AMOn Friday, Dec. 4th at 7pm at 180 St. John St., Fredericton, Cinema Politica Fredericton will screen the last documentary of its fall 2015 season, “Project Power” (Jon Mann, 2014, 102min).

Project Power is an observational documentary which follows the massive social movement against the sale of New Brunswick Power to Hydro-Quebec by the New Brunswick provincial government during the winter of 2009. A grassroots campaign against the sale of the public utility, organized by the citizens of New Brunswick, became the official opposition to the $ 4.75 billion “done deal” between the New Brunswick and Quebec governments. Battling a provincial government, a multi-national public relations firm, and a monopolized provincial media pushing the deal, New Brunswickers took to the streets, in what became a fight for more than just a power utility.

This film is cohosted by the Council of Canadians, Fredericton Chapter, and some members will be around for the discussion following the film.

Cinema Politica Fredericton Screens: Power Project | December 4, 2015 | 180 St. John Street | 7 p.m. | no charge

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