Cinema Politica Fredericton Screens: “Above All Else”

Category: movies 97

515345703In this dramatic, firsthand account of activists on the front line of the climate fight, one man risks it all to stop the tar sands of the Keystone XL oil pipeline from crossing his land. Shot in the forests, pastures, and living rooms of rural East Texas, the film follows David Daniel, a retired stunt man and high-wire artist, as he rallies neighbors and activists to join him in a final act of brinkmanship: a tree-top blockade of the controversial pipeline. What begins as a stand against corporate encroachments on one man’s land becomes a rallying cry for climate protesters nationwide.

An optional discussion will follow the film with members from co-hosts the Peace and Friendship Alliance who are opposing TransCanada’s Energy East pipeline.

An optional discussion will follow the film. Films are free to the public. Donations are welcome to help with network membership fees. (Washrooms are not accessible, sorry.

For more information on Cinema Politica Fredericton’s amazing Winter 2016 line-up like us on Facebook or contact:

Cinema Politica Fredericton Screens: Forbidden Love | February 19, 2016 | 180 St. John Street | 7 p.m. | no charge

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