Cinema Politica Fredericton: First Peoples First Screens

Category: movies 116

10644887_1135480363137935_8618338687764167894_nOn Friday, April 1st at 7pm at Conserver House, 180 St. John St., Fredericton, Cinema Politica Fredericton will screen a series of films by Indigenous filmmakers.

First Peoples First Screens (FPFS) showcases contemporary Indigenous political filmmaking from across Canada, including documentary, animation, experimental and genre fiction of varying lengths. Cinema Politica prepared 4 separate clusters of thematically grouped works to provide a platform to discuss Indigenous art, culture, politics, history and struggle at each screening location. FPFS is curated by Indigenous and non-Indigenous programmers who selected the works from over 150 submissions. Renowned cultural advisors (Tracey Deer, Alethea Arnaquq-Baril & Alanis Obomsawin)  oversaw the process of selection.

Cinema Politica Fredericton organizers selected the following films from the ART & Determination Cluster:

Kahawi (Shane Belcourt, 2013, 45’)

Koski Kiwetan / Retourner De L’où On Vient (Annie Dubé, 2011, 7’)

Routes, The (James Mcdougall, 2014, 4’)

The Dancing Cop (Kelvin Redvers, 2012, 7’)

Unknown (Shaynah Decontie, 2010, 3’)

A Red Girl’s Reasoning (Elle-Máijá Tailfeathers, 2012, 10’)

Timetraveller™ (Skawenatti, 2013, 10’)

Balmoral Hotel (Wayne Wapeemukwa, 2013, 10’)

Ghetto Trapped Youth (Wapikoni Team, 2013, 5’)

Tracing Blood (Lisa Jodoin, 2013, 5′)

Following the films, join us for an optional facilitated discussion with local Indigenous filmmaker Lisa Jodoin.

Cinema Politica films are free to the public. Donations are welcome to help with network membership fees. Washrooms are not accessible.

Cinema Politica Fredericton presents First Peoples First Screens | April 1, 2016 | 180 St. John Street | 7 PM | no charge

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