An Update from the Beaverbrook Art Gallery

Category: community 110

Director Tom Smart shares an update on current exhibitions and when patrons can expect to be back in the Gallery.

Photo: Beaverbrook Art Gallery

Many of you have been wondering about a return visit to the Beaverbrook Art Gallery. Our first priority is public safety. While we would very much like to open our doors immediately and welcome visitors from the province back inside, the Gallery has had to remain closed.
We regret to announce as well that this means the exhibition Emily Carr: Fresh Seeing, will be coming down from display to be returned as scheduled, on May 31. I understand this is a disappointment to many. Frankly, it is to us as well.
We continue to work with public health and workplace safety authorities to gauge when and how we might be able to open in the near future. The protocols for safely opening a space such as the Beaverbrook’s are complex, and many factors are involved in this decision.
In the meantime, we are still working hard to find ways of offering existing and future programming online, as well as finding ways to support New Brunswick’s artistic community. We will continue to engage with all our audiences digitally.
We are apart for now. We will be together again soon.
Yours sincerely,
Tom Smart
Director and CEO

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