A Shifty Bits Thank You

Category: community 412

2015-07-13 16.17.20-1Well, kiddos, we did it again. Somehow, a scraggly bunch of hooligans managed to work with an eclectic community to make something beautiful. If you had half as much fun as we did, we’re all a mile high.

The Shifty Bits Circus is just another reminder that Fredericton is supportive, creative, resourceful, healthy and strong. Be proud that you get to be… in this place. It never ceases to boggle our collective mind that all it takes is a few people to say “hey, let’s do this thing” and soon the entire community has jumped on board to help make it happen. If you want to do something, all you have to do is say so.

Anyway, we’ve got a few gold stars to give out, in no particular order:


1. The venue owners, for letting us smush a bunch of stinky teens into their spaces.

2. The Capital staff, who had to deal with a bunch of papier mâche arms and much much worse.

3. SHIFTWORK, for basically bearing the weight of the Circus on their shoulders at certain points. You don’t get nearly enough recognition for your contribution to the community (Stefan especially!!!!).

4. WHOOP-Szo, for loving the Circus enough to cancel their last tour stop in order to stay and play with us for another day.

5. Young Satan in Love for the Smoker’s Carnival, a truly once in a lifetime experience. Fredericton Firespinners and Strange & Bizzar, truly cool freaks.

6. Picaroons and the government (City of Fredericton & GNB) for giving us money. Endeavours for giving us art stuffs. Real Foods & Ed Bud for giving us SO MUCH FREE FOOD.

7. Force Fields, for getting us past capacity for the first time.

8. The local bands who play for free, the non-local bands who play for pretty-close-to-free. You’re worth so much more.

9. The people who helped or offered to help or were willing to help. You cooked food, housed bands, carried stuff around, relayed messages, bought us shots, and (most importantly) encouraged us to keep doing stuff.

10. You circus goers. You left the venues and after-parties so pristinely clean. You were kind and open-minded and excited. You didn’t get mad at our mess-ups, and you celebrated the victories with us.

We’re going to try to close the book on the Circus for now, so we can get back to being bands. It’s weird though, the binding must be stuck. It just keeps springing back open to chapter five….

#1 in our hearts forever and always amen,

The Shifty Bits Cult

Also see: Thank You INF4RNO

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