A New Season Begins at Gallery 78

Category: arts 135

New Brunswick takes centre stage at Gallery 78 this month with work by several Northern NB artists. Ceramic work by Liz Demerson rounds out this new exhibit. 

Petit-Rocher, NB. Photo: Gallery 78.

Gallery 78 steps into the fall season with an extensive exhibition celebrating the world of 12 artists from the northern regions of the province.  Inspired in part by 2020’s staycation theme, Nos voisins de la Côte-Nord et de la République, will carry visitors off to explore the natural beauty of Edmundston, Saint-Jacques, Kedgwick, Bathurst and points between as interpreted by a wide range of artists and mediums. 

This exhibition highlights the work of Emilie Grace Lavoie of Edmundston, Vicky Lentz of Saint-Jacques, Danielle Saulnier and Serge V. Richard of Kedgwick, Mélanie Parent and Maurice Cormier of Campbellton, Lucie Quintal and Bernard Quintal of Point La Nim, Céline Genest of Charlo, Carolle LeBlanc of Balmoral, Réjean Roy of Petit-Rocher, Cynthia DeCoste of Bathurst, Nicole Haché of Caraquet, and Denis Lanteigne of Caraquet and Paquetville, New Brunswick.

Also promoting the theme of locality, Liz Demerson presents Gounded: Locally Sourced, Locally Produced, a line of ceramics made with materials from around the province. 

Liz has been harvesting a variety of materials in New Brunswick, such as seashells, granites, sands, seaweeds and other plant materials as well as different rocks and processing them into a ceramic grade glaze product. Her current research is sourcing local clays and processing them into a usable body ceramics production.

All works are available to view online, and they are on display to view in person until Saturday, October 3, 2020.

Learn more about this month’s featured artists and their work by visiting gallery78.com 

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