Theatre UNB presents Ends of the Earth (Feb 23-26).

Category: stage 226

Theatre UNB will stage a production of the Morris Panych play Ends of the Earth, February 23-26 at Memorial Hall.

Matt Carter 

It seems like every new movie, TV show, book, podcast or theatre production can somehow be interpreted as reflecting the events of the past couple of years. From pandemics to universal surveillance, it sometimes feels like our reality is more fiction than not. Maybe it’s always been this way, but up until now we’ve been able to position these themes as existing far from our privileged everyday lives. Not so much these days. Or maybe we are simply trying to glean more meaning in our pastimes and sources of entertainment.  It can’t just be a case of art imitating life. Can it?

Thankfully, the themes are flexible, and there’s always a little room for comedy. And who couldn’t use a laugh right about now? 

This month (That’s right. It’s February now!), Theatre UNB will stage a production of Morris Panych’s play, Ends of the Earth. The announcement, posted Monday to Theatre UNB’s Facebook page, describes the Governor General’s Award-winning comedy as a story of two characters, both grappling with a degree of paranoia.

Frank and Henry are both convinced that someone is out to get them, following them and watching their every move. To appease their paranoia, they go on the run, encountering a profusion of bizarre and unpredictable characters taking them on a journey to the literal Ends of the Earth. Might they be their own worst enemy? 

Ends of the Earth premiered in 1992 at the Arts Club Theatre in Vancouver with a production directed by the playwright. 

Theatre UNB’s forthcoming comedy will be directed by Len Falkenstein with original music by Devin Rockwell.

The play will be performed nightly from Wednesday, February 23 through Saturday, February 26 at 7:30 p.m. at Memorial Hall, UNB. Tickets (available at the door—cash only) are $14 regular, $10 seniors/underemployed, and $8 for students. Vaccination proof is required for entry. For more information, phone 506 447-3078 or email

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