Symphony New Brunswick welcomes Guest Maestra Tania Miller

Category: music 308

Miller will lead Symphony NB in performances for the upcoming concert series ‘A Baroque Banquet’,  April 16-18.

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Symphony New Brunswick will turn its attention to the Baroque era with an upcoming series of concerts led by conductor Tania Miller, who curated a selection of music from Geminiani, Handel and Corelli as well as Mozart’s Symphony No. 36, K. 425, also known as the Linz Symphony.

“The Maestra, Ms Miller, is one of the most exciting conductors that we have had here,” said SNB General Manager, Jennifer Grant.  “As SNB continues to raise the artistic bar, we benefit greatly from these guest appearances.”

Mozart’s Symphony No. 36, K. 425, also known as the Linz Symphony, was written during a stopover in the Austrian town of Linz on his way back home to Vienna from Salzburg in late 1783, where Mozart and his wife Constanze spent several days at the invitation of a family friend, Count Thun-Hohenstein. Delighted to have Mozart present in his town, the Count decided to host a concert. Mozart wrote to his father: “On Tuesday, November 4, there will be a concert in the theater here and, as I have not a single symphony with me, I am writing a new one at breakneck speed.” Four days later, the symphony was finished, and it premiered as scheduled.

The Linz Symphony, would mark the beginning of a new and magnificent phase for Mozart, in which he would write his five great final symphonies. From its tension-filled introduction to the wittily elegant Minuet and Trio and a dazzling finale, the maturity and greatness of this work belie the haste in which it was created. The characters in the piece reflect the graceful and cheerful surroundings of Linz, and the therapeutic effect it had on Mozart. 

Upcoming performances:

April 16 | Moncton | Capitol Theatre | 7:30 p.m.
April 17 | Fredericton | Playhouse | 7:30 p.m.
April 18 | Saint John | Imperial Theatre | 7:30 p.m.

Concert tickets are available at the door or at the Box Offices in each city.

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