Colin Fowlie revisits an audience favourite

Category: music 115

The new single featuring North Carolina-based singer songwriter Chris Titchner is the second release from East & Nowhere Songsmiths, a new venture launched by Fowlie to assist songwriters in the creating, recording, and releasing songs.  

Matt Carter 

Colin Fowlie’s anthemic single, Someone’s Favourite Song, has certainly lived up to its name. Originally featured on Fowlie’s 2021 album, East of Nowhere, the single has become an audience favourite and one of his most requested songs. 

Inspired by the song’s popularity, Fowlie enlisted the help of North Carolina-based singer songwriter Chris Titchner to create a stripped down version that takes the song back to its acoustic roots. Jumping immediately into the song’s evocative opening lines, You might never see my name up in lights on a sign, and if I’m on the road to fame right now it’s a real damn crooked line, this reinspired take features haunting steel guitar lines and both musicians singing in lockstep harmony offering a fresh new interpretation of one of Fowlie’s best known songs.

The new single is the second release from East & Nowhere Songsmiths, a new venture launched by Fowlie to assist songwriters in the creating, recording, and releasing songs. Someone’s Favourite Song was preceded by Krista Shannon’s debut single, Last Girl on Earth.

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