The Capital – A Project Update

Category: community 601

Fredericton filmmaker Tim Rayne brings us up to speed on his documentary project.

Matt Carter
The Westerberg Suicides performing for the cameras in March 2017. Photo: Matt Carter

If you’re at all in tune with the Fredericton music scene, there’s a good chance that by now you’ve heard about The Capital project, Raynemaker Production’s extensive look at independent music highlighting several acts from the Fredericton area.  Filming for the project has been underway for a few months now capturing live footage and interviews with music makers, promotors, fans and the extended community that help support the scene.

“The filming of The Capital will continue until August but we are also currently in post-production because we have to keep up with all the editing,” said Tim Rayne, the New Brunswick filmmaker behind the project. Together with his business partner Arthur Thomson and an extensive crew of lighting, video and sound professionals, Rayne has amassed over 50 hours of footage from well over 50 bands. “We have shot most of the band footage at this stage so we are transitioning into documentary and cinematic production over the next few months. So far we have been able to showcase close to 60 bands and artists with interviews and live performance footage.”

Initially conceived as a web series focused on the local music scene, Rayne’s vision for The Capital has grown to include a feature film that will use Fredericton as a way of representing music communities all over the country by examining the success stories and the challenges that not only exist for musicians in New Brunswick but affect music makers and music lovers from coast to coast.

“The production is always changing,” he said. “A project of this scope needs to be able to breath and come organically. I personally embrace change but I am all about being prepared. I always go into a project with an outline with specific production details but I am also always looking ‘on the day’ for new approaches and insights.

“The Capital project is about community and its stories are that of the individuals who make the music scene,” said Rayne.  “I knew that I wanted to begin the project by interviewing musicians first so that I could feel out the direction I needed to go rather than where I may have wanted to go. I am currently thrilled with where the project is now. The narrative feels natural and authentic, while exploring both regional and universal threads of thought on ‘a’ music scene, not ‘the’ music scene. Many of my original concepts and ideas are still present but the focus goes with the tide of discovery.”

For this project, Rayne and his crew have shot musicians performing folk, country, rock, metal, hip hop and all points in between and in several different city venues, even pulling a few of his favourite acts out of our retirement because of the significance he believes their contributions have made to the larger story.

“Personally, I am grateful to all the bands who have generously contributed to The Capital, past and present. I have been lucky to have received so much positive support for this project from the beginning. Nick Cobham (The Olympic Symphonium/Some Dads) told me that he has been telling people that The Capital is my love letter to the music scene. I think that is a perfect description.

“In an age of cynicism, this film is meant to be a positive reflection of our community,” said Rayne. “I think the bands that have jumped on board understand that. The film is not a critique but it does ask interesting questions on how so much great art can come from such a small community.”

Rayne plans to wrap up all the filming by the end of the summer with the first web series episodes tentatively scheduled to begin rolling out in early 2018.

“The most satisfying part so far, for me, is how much my original vision, my reasons for making the film, and it’s themes are reflected in the actual footage of the web series,” he said. “We may be considered a have-not province but we are bountiful in so many ways. I believe The Capital will showcase the beauty and strength that exists in our music community.

“It is meant to be inspiring, because it is. For the longest time I thought sentimentality in art was weak or unsophisticated but I have discovered that passion, whether it be experimental or mainstream, is of equal value – as long as it is done with integrity and thought.”

The Capital Project

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