Stephen Hero and Brydon Crain continue to Eat The Rich with latest video

Category: music 257

Nose to Tail is the second single and video to surface from the new Hero/Crain EP, Eat The Rich. 

Matt Carter

Here we go again. Leading this new era of music promotion, now dominated more by music videos than through live performances – an obvious reflection of the times – Saint John rapper Stephen Hero and Fredericton producer Brydon Crain continue to produce videos at a rate previously unseen around these parts. After rolling out one video after another to support their self-titled debut release, eventually creating visual accompaniment for each of the album’s eight songs, they appear determined to continue the trend with Eat The Rich.

Following the release of the video for Livin The Dream, which preceded the November release of their new EP, today welcomes the latest video in this ongoing series that has become a template for how these two operate. 

Shot by long-time collaborator Josh Hooper with Jeremy Durant and edited by Jordan Doucet, Nose to Tail blends wide, across-the-harbour shots of Saint John’s uptown with Hero’s socially conscious verses scattered across the skyline, blending lyric video trends with the traditional video format. It’s a well thought out piece of art, just like all the music they create. Take a bite.



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