Rockin’ Right Hard

Category: music 299

Deep Fryer take on the NHL, local lore and each other on latest EP.

Matt Carter
Photo by Ashley Erb.

A photographer, a journalist, a car salesman and a wine aficionado walk into a bar…or in this case, a recording studio. The result? Another EP from Fredericton hardcore favourites, Deep Fryer.

Almost one year to the day since releasing their self-titled debut (363 days to be exact), Fredericton’s Deep Fryer are back with a brand new four-song EP. Recorded, mixed and mastered once again by Ancient Temple Recordings’ Scott Miller, Rockin’ Right Hard finds the band continuing along the path of raw, aggressive songwriting while sidestepping the usual subject matter commonly associated with the genre.

This time around, frontman Mike Erb (a devote Habs fan, along with most of his bandmates) sings about Patrick Roy’s infamous burn directed at Jeremy Roenick during the 1996 Stanley Cup Playoffs on Jeremy, and appears to riff on Fredericton’s legendary fictional amphibian on Coleman The Frog. There’s also another nod to bassist Jake Spencer’s neighbourhood groundhog on King of King’s College, while Crack Shack Fever recounts one band member’s romantic encounter while watching a local drug house burn to the ground.

All shenanigans aside, Rockin’ Right Hard is a strong sophomore release. The guitars are louder, the rhythms are fuller and the vocals are spot on. By all accounts, Deep Fryer have found their niche and that’s a fun place to be.

Rockin’ Right Hard was released digitally on November 26.

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