NotaBle Acts Theatre Festival Seeking Scripts

Category: arts 103

NotaBle Acts hoping to see new and emerging playwrights submit scripts to its annual playwriting competition. Deadline to submit your work is April 30. 

Highlights from many of the performances from NotAble Acts 2021.

The NotaBle Acts Theatre Company is seeking submissions for its twenty-first annual province-wide playwriting competition. Contest winners will have their work featured as part of the 2022 NotaBle Acts Summer Theatre Festival, to be held in Fredericton, July 20-30.

New Brunswick playwrights have the opportunity to submit work in three main categories, one for 15-30 minute site-specific plays, one for 7-10 minute short plays and another for 30-60 minute one-act plays. Two additional categories of the contest are specifically for young playwrights in New Brunswick Middle and High schools. 

Winning playwrights will also receive a cash prize and script mentoring from a professional playwright.

The contest rules and guidelines, as well as instructions on how to submit scripts, are available at Questions about the contest can be directed to or (506) 458-7406. The deadline for the main contest is April 30th, 2022, while the Middle School and High School contest closes on May 15th.

Special Incentive for New Writers!

Fredericton playwright, comedian and NotaBle Acts board member Anthony Bryan will be hosting a weekly writer’s group during the month of April. Festival organizers are calling this online Saturday series a “low commitment opportunity for a spring cleaning of your project backlog, talks about scriptwriting, writing scripts, and everything in between!”

If you’re at all curious about playwriting or have a few questions about the work you’d like to submit to this year’s playwriting competition, this is the perfect opportunity to share your work and your questions in a supportive atmosphere. 

To register, contact host/facilitator Anthony Bryan directly at anthonybryan093 (at) 

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