Nightmare on George Street

Category: community 395

Pretty in Pink’s Annual Halloween Extravaganza Returns Oct 25



For the past six years, Pretty in Pink or “That 80s Band” have been hosting one of the biggest, bestest parties of the year, part costume party – part rock show – all highly entertaining.

“Every year we try to do something a little different,” says Darren O’Donnell, band leader and organiser of the event. “We’ve added an LED wall to this year’s production and the entire band will be decked out in UV paint.  We’ll be glowing under the lights. It’s going to be a lot of fun.”

Nightmare on George Street will see the band return to the Boyce Farmers Market to celebrate the ghoulish season the only way they know how.  Along with their instruments and makeup, the band and an impressive cast of volunteers pull together to create one of the most intimate and entertaining nights of the year, while working under a pretty tight deadline.

“One of the challenges in doing any show at the market is the amount of time you have to set-up for an evening event,” said O’Donnell.  “The vendors are open until 1pm so we don’t get to start moving gear in until sometime after 2pm.  Essentially we have about five hours to load in, build a stage, hang lighting and prepare for the show.  It’s always a challenge but that’s part of the fun in hosting an event at the market.”

With only a few hours to load-in, sound check, test the lighting and prep the bar, there is little time for the band to relax before they hit the stage, but as O’Donnell points out, there is really no other venue they’d rather use to host the show.

“We’ve been approached by a few different venues who have offered to host the show but there’s really something special about the market’s location and the size of the room,” he said.  “It’s conveniently located, has ample parking and is just a short walk downtown if people feel like keeping the evening going after we call it a night.  So for us, in terms of where we could put on a show of this size and still feel connected to the city core, the market is the best place.  I just love the venue.  It’s intimate, it’s an easy walk to downtown and it’s an easy walk from the university.  That makes it perfect in my books.”

“The venue itself presents a very casual atmosphere and one that I believe to be very inviting and part of the show’s overall appeal,” said O’Donnell.  “It promotes having a good time by virtue of what it is.”

Six years running, Nightmare on George Street has become a fall tradition in the city and the premiere event for those who haven’t lost an appreciation for throwing on a costume and having a good time.  Each year welcomes some of the most impressive costumes anywhere, proving that Halloween’s appeal remains alive and well in those too old walk the trick-or-treating circuit.

“One of the things I’ve always loved about the Halloween show is that it attracts a lot of people who don’t usually get to let their hair down and have fun,” said O’Donnell.  “Fredericton is a government city and I think a lot of people feel they need to present themselves accordingly, but when costumes and makeup are involved I think it creates an atmosphere where everyone can feel comfortable and put aside the image they may carry through the rest of the year.  With that in mind, you never know who you’re dancing next to!”

Nightmare on George Street takes place October 25, 2014 at the Boyce Farmers Market, 665 George St, Fredericton. Tickets are $20 and available at Reads Newsstand.

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