Michelle Morrison Shares Debut Singles

Category: music 366

Quarter After Midnight and A Silver Lining share contrast and compliment with equal measure. 

Photo: Alex Cook
Matt Carter 

Fredericton-based singer songwriter Michelle Morrison has just released a pair of singles that fit perfectly with the times. Driven by folk-rooted storytelling and simple acoustic arrangements for both banjo and guitar, Quarter After Midnight and A Silver Lining blend contrast and compliment with equal measure, each a reflection of life in challenging times. 

If I had to draw a connection between the two songs, I think the first would be that both are a genuine, pure, and raw expression of my state of mind and emotions at the time,” said Morrison. “The second would have to be that they both point out some glaring, current negatives of the way we interact as a society. From capitalism to the way we treat sexual and romantic relationships as some sort of disposable commodity. The third is that I think they are feelings that the majority of people can relate to. I mean, we all are just sort of sitting, waiting to see how this whole pandemic will actually pan out. 

“But one of the greatest things about music, in my opinion, is the way it can connect us through emotional experiences and make us feel like we aren’t alone in our feelings.”

A Silver Lining deals with the collective uncertainty we are all sharing at this moment and how over the past year we’ve been forced into a situation where the endless momentum that has become a part of our everyday lives has been challenged, for better or for worse.

” Life as we knew it has changed immensely, which is kind of hard and beautiful all at the same time.” 

“We’re constantly ‘go, go, go’ and that can be difficult to recognize,” said Morrison. “I know personally, when life is normal I prioritize socialization and productivity so much that sometimes I forget to invest in other interests or relaxing for myself. I guess that’s the silver lining, but the fact is it’s really hard for us to know where things are headed on the daily.”

The influence of the past year’s events are undoubtedly present on this pair of debut singles from Morrison, who says it would be nearly impossible for anyone to write from the heart without being swayed somewhat by all life has thrown at us since the beginning of the pandemic.  

If you want to write about some conceptual, fantasy, Rush 2112 type shit, then sure,” she said. “But if you’re writing about the real, human experience, it might not be about the pandemic itself, but subconsciously we are all affected by this. Life as we knew it has changed immensely, which is kind of hard and beautiful all at the same time.”

Michelle Morrison | FACEBOOK | BANDCAMP | SPOTIFY 

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