Fredericton playwright takes part in national reading series

Category: stage 212

Len Falkenstein will read from his plays Lac/Athabasca and Wood Buffalo as part of the University of Regina’s livestreamed Playwright Reading Series.

Staging Change in an Eco-Crisis is the theme for this year’s Playwright Reading Series hosted by the University of Regina. The series began in October and involves six Canadian playwrights reading selections of their work related to the current climate change emergency.

Fredericton playwright Len Falkenstein will take part in the series this week reading selections from his plays Lac/Athabasca and Wood Buffalo.

A concern with environmental issues and climate change link many of Falkenstein’s plays, beginning with Futures (2007), which is set around a United Nations climate change conference, and including Utopia (inspired by resource development debates in New Brunswick) and both Lac/Athabasca and his current work-in-progress Wood Buffalo, which centre in whole or part on Fort McMurray, the Alberta oil sands, and those who work there.

The livestreamed reading will take place March 9 beginning at 9 p.m. (Atlantic Time) and will be roughly an hour in length with a short Q and A and the end. Registration is free and required.

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