Eight New Brunswick artists share their stories and their work

Category: arts 194

ArtsLinkNB have shared eight new artists presentations made as part of its recent CATAPULT Arts Accelerator session.

Matt Carter

ArtsLinkNB are doing some amazing work. In addition to the important advocacy work they do on behalf of New Brunswick artists, ArtsLinkNB offer several career development programs, host annual artist residencies, manage a digital library of artist resources and so much more.

Part of their so-much-more programming includes the CATAPULT Arts Accelerator, an eight-week program that aims to provide New Brunswick artists with business skills training, career development, workshops, and mentorship opportunities.

Each edition of the CATAPULT Arts Accelerator concludes with a series of presentations made by each of the participating artists. These videos are a great way for audiences to meet new and old new faces in the arts community, and to appreciate the range of work that exists in our province.

The program’s winter session featured eight artists working across a variety of fields from theatre to music and from woodworking to dance.  Sadie, Stephen Hero, Josh Hooper, Lucy Koshan, Jess Naish Lingley, Jalianne Li, Devin Rockwell and Danielle Smith all took part in the winter session and their pitch session presentations are now available to watch.

CATAPULT Arts Accelerator presentations usually take place before a live audience made up of other artists and entrepreneurs and have proven to be a great networking opportunity for all involved. Sadly, this year due to COVID restrictions, this recent group of artists were not able to present their work to a live audience, so they opted to do things virtually. All the more reason to check them out. Right?

All artists presentations are currently available to watch on the ArtsLinkNB website and with nearly 30 other presentations from past participants.

Watch the full series HERE.

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