Music on the Hill

Category: music 87

Music on the Hill performance series presents: The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari


Experience live music performed to a screening of the classic 1920 silent film The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, directed by Robert Wiene and starring Werner Krauss, Conrad Veidt, Friedrich Feher and Lil Dagover. Written by composer and bass player Andrew Miller, the music for this performance relies on elements of improvisation from each musician, creating an exciting and unique auditory experience for the viewer.  The ensemble includes: Nadia Francavilla, violin; Andrew Miller, bass; Richard Hornsby, clarinet; and Joel LeBlanc, guitar.

Buy 3 Music on the Hill Performance Series tickets, get 1 free. Tickets available at Memorial Hall, room 22A, and Read’s Newsstand and Café.

The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari | Wednesday, Nov. 2nd 2016 | 7:30pm | Mem. Hall, UNB
Admission:  Adults $27 Seniors $22 Students $10

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